
ILA. Ukrainian branch. Juridical Journal

  • Czytany 1208 razy

Szanowni Państwo,

przekazuję list od Kolegów z Grupy Ukraińskiej ILA - poniżej - z zaproszeniem do publikowania w tworzonym przez GU ILA czasopiśmie naukowym.

Z pozdrowieniami

Anna Czaplińska

Dr Anna Czaplińska
Katedra Europejskiego Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Wydział Prawa i Administracji
Uniwersytet Łódzki
ul. Kopcińskiego 8/12
90-232 Łódź
tel. 42 635 63 88
fax 42 665 59 99
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Dr Anna Czaplinska
Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law
Faculty of Law and Administration
University of Lodz
ul. Kopcinskiego 8/12
90-232 Lodz, Poland
Phone: +48 42 635 63 88
Fax: +48 42 665 59 99
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Wysłane: 18 października 2016 16:29
Do: Anna Czaplińska
Temat: ILA. Ukrainian branch. Juridical Journal

Dear Members of the Polish Branch,

as you might already know, the Ukrainian Branch of the International Law Association promotes the exchange of views between the leading representatives of legal science in Ukraine and the EU through the International Scientific edition "Juridical Journal". The peculiarity of our edition is its richness of information given on the key news and the trends of law development.

The activity of "Juridical Journal" is aimed primarily at consolidating of cooperation between law scientists and law practitioners in Ukraine and in other countries in order to improve the legal culture of population.

Today, the magazine represents a free platform for exchange of views on the theory and practice of law in Ukraine, the European Union, USA, Canada, South Africa, China and in many other countries. It makes it possible to read the legal documents and expertise materials as well as learn and deepen new professional skills.

In December, we are planning an exclusive issue of the magazine, dedicated to the World Day of human rights. We invite you to join and participate in filling the new issue of "Juridical Journal". We are very interested in your academic reviews, articles, comments on human rights in your countries and in the world.

Please, send the materials which you would like to place in the magazine, to e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.<Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.>

Best regards,
the Secretary of the Ukrainian Branch of the International Law Association
Galyna Mykhalko


 tel: tel. (+48) 81 44-53-717

 fax: (0-42) 66 55 999


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