
Conference: How European Is European Private International Law?

  • Czytany 1141 razy

Szanowni Państwo,


na prośbę Organizatorów załączam poniżej informację na temat Konferencji organizowanej przez Uniwersytet w Jenie.


Z pozdrowieniami,

Marcin Kałduński






Dear Colleagues,

on 2/3 March 2018  Jürgen Basedow, Jan von Hein and Eva-Maria Kieninger and I will be organizing a conference dealing with the question "How European is European Private International Law"? Bringing together academics and practitioners from all over Europe the conference will provide a platform to shed light on the present lack of ?Europeanness?of European private international law and to discuss how European private internaitonal law can become more truly European in the future.

Since the conference is European in nature we are trying to reach as many interested scholars as possible. May I, therefore, kindly ask you to draw the attention of your society's or institution's members to the conference? I attach the conference flyer and as well as a brief conference description. More information is available on the conference website at www.eu-pil.uni-jena.de.

Kind regards

Giesela Rühl

Prof. Dr. Giesela Rühl, LL.M. (Berkeley)
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, 07743 Jena (Germany)

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